This time I'm showing you, how you can automatically add another order item after a product has been added to the cart in Drupal Commerce 2.x. The most important info here is, how you can pass the pitfall of possible transient data problems here.
Commerce ships with a default success message after adding a product to the shopping cart. This is done via an event subscriber, in order to be easy customizable. However, removing, replacing or extending existing services in Drupal 8 is a thing, not every developer is used to do. I'll show you, how easy this is.
There are a couple of modules out there to ajaxify the add to cart form of Drupal Commerce, but I'll introduce to one that on top offers a real decoupled solution. Additionally I'll show how you can achieve a simpler version of that with only a few lines of custom JS code.
The introduction of Composer in Drupal 8 was a great improvement over managing packages via Drush Make, but however did leave some questions about properly load 3rd party Javascirpt libraries - here's an advice how you should do it.
Today I'm introducing you to a new contrib module, I've created for allowing "add to cart" (or wishlist) buttons as links instead of forms. This helps to circumvent some unfortunate Drupal core limitations, when you want to build overview pages or blocks.
In a current project, I had to generate PDF documents based on custom entities on a Drupal 8 page. Although this has never been so easy than with Dompdf, I've stumbled across two problems which cost my some time to find out and fix.
Drupal 8 ships with a great and easy to use 'vertical_tabs' form element but unlikely a horizontal counterpart is missing. I'll show you, how can get horizontal tabs into your forms.